Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Celebrating the Holidays

We spent Christmas Eve at my lolo's house with my mom, my uncle and the household staff. It was a little somber. My other aunts, uncles, and cousins were coming the following day, since it was also my uncle's 50th birthday, instead of the usual 24th get together. My brother had to work until 11 p.m., he was home before 12 midnight though. I just prepared Pasta Carbonara (recipe to follow), mom grilled some steak and made vegetable and fruit salad. It was pretty quiet. Too quiet actually that we left an hour after midnight. I started picturing where and how things were when Ima was still around. Miss that granny so much.

As tradition, 25th is bonding time with the husband's family at my sister-in-law's house. As I mentioned on my previous post, I brought Callos. There's turkey, lechon, potato salad... I forget the other stuff, not that they weren't yummy, just experiencing a little memory lapse here. We spent the entire afternoon at their house with the usual chitchat and wine drinking.

Sorry we missed out on my uncle's party at my lolo's. But I'm sure it was fun. With everyone there to celebrate his special day with him. It was the 1st time in years that he had his birthday here in Manila. Mom said it was a one day affair. I heard they also threw the golden boy a surprise party in Scarborough when he got back.

New Year's Eve with the hubby's family was at his brother's house. Salmon, prawns, roast beef, baked macaroni, chicken galantina, potato and fruit salad were at the buffet table. Played a game of Uno cards with our nieces and nephews (shooting Mexican guy for wager), I lost big time.

Christmas morning:

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