Monday, December 8, 2008

The Ouido Chef

I am not the professional chef in the family. My brother is. He graduated from Center for Culinary Arts (CCA) Manila and is currently working at Heat Restaurant of EDSA Shangri-La Hotel in Mandaluyong City. But I enjoy cooking as much as I love eating. Got it from my lola, I believe. Tip from Ima: when you’re eating something, look at it, “feel” it, savor it… so you’d know how to cook it. I’d prepare food for my relatives every now and then but I started real food preparation when I got married. The hubby's family is sooo into food! Home cooked and resto stuff. Thank goodness for helpers, cause as much as I enjoy cooking, I am not too thrilled on doing some “pre-cooking” process… chopping onion and garlic!

My cousin also suggested, when we were talking about me blogging, I should share some cooking recipes. It’s taking me a while to write about it because like I said I’m not really a culinarian and when I cook, I don’t really follow recipe books. I get ideas from them, yes, but I’m more the cook-by-taste-bud kind. No exact amount of this and no exact quantity of that. Know what I mean? It really depends on who I am feeding. Like if it were for Chuck, it should not be too salty or sour. If it were for my mom, she’s so into salty, sour and spicy stuff. That kind of thing. So when I start sharing my recipes on-line, I’ll be mentioning brands and other stuff, but don’t expect me to put the “exact” quantity of ALL ingredients. I will just explain it as it is, no fancy, technical culinarian terms. If you have questions, just feel free to get in touch with me.

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