Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Man's Bestie

Our dog Napoleon turned 2 last November 26. Originally a present to my pa-in-law from the hubby's sister, this Labrador Retriever has been in our care since he was 3 months old, since we used to stay at my in-laws’ home. When Pa passed away, Nappy (as we fondly call him) moved with us to the townhouse. He stays with us inside the house, but we tie him up because we really wouldn’t want any accident with Bea, as you can see he’s very muscular and when standing on his four legs, he’s big (thanks to Eukanuba). Like any other lab, he is very playful and energetic and has literally dragged his handlers several times when he’s “chasing” or excited about something. This guy is very gentle and affectionate to humans though and he still has his “puppy-eyed” look even if he’s an adult dog already, even his vet at Animal House Alabang, Zapote (his cousin Cappuccino, my brother-in-law's German Shepherd, goes to the same clinic) says he still acts like a puppy. To know more about dogs check out

Caring for this breed is quite easy, a bit expensive though…bigger dog--bigger stomach to fill, bigger coat to shampoo, vaccine and meds (monthly maintenance) volume depends on dog’s weight. I’m not complaining, just stating facts in case you’re looking into bringing home one. Here are some of the stuff nappy uses to stay healthy and gorgeous-looking:

*Eukanuba Adult Large Breed Formula (Dry), we alternate Lamb & Rice and Chicken
*Lambert Kay’s Fresh ’N Clean Oatmeal and Baking Soda Shampoo
*Virbac’s Enzymatic Toothpaste in Vanila Mint Flavor
*Pedigree Denta Stix
*Heartgard – for prevention of heartworm disease
*Frontline drops or spray for flea and tick control (best way to prevent this is not to let your pet “socialize” with flea-infested animals.

We usually get the “personal hygiene” stuff from Animal House, but for food and other things, they’re cheaper at Canine Depot (near the terminal at ATC). A regular visit to the vet should be observed. More importantly, a loving home will do wonders for any pet.

Bea and Nap

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